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      Discover The Benefits Of Body Brushing

      Discover The Benefits Of Body Brushing

      Skin, the largest organ, is often neglected. Dull, dry, and dehydrated when it's covered up all winter and exposed to the sun all summer – under loved and pushed to the limit. With countless health benefits, body brushing is a fast and effective way to exfoliate – helping your skin absorb product faster, increase circulation, improve the appearance of cellulite, assist lymphatic drainage and improve muscle tone. Start your morning off gently with this body brushing routine. What is a Body Brush? The Tibby Olivier Massage Brush is a natural exfoliator that helps to remove dead skin cells. This promotes...

      Fighting and Understanding Cellulite

      Fighting and Understanding Cellulite

      NO ONE LIKES CELLULITE, AS WE HIT OUR THIRTIES, IT CREEPS ONTO OUR HIPS, THIGHS AND BOTTOM WITH THE FIRM INTENT OF STAYING THERE FOREVER. What is cellulite?Our body is so astute, it has cells especially created to store fat. Fat cells can inflate to sixty times their volume, so there's plenty of room to store more fat and if the fat cells fill up too much, they deform the skin's fibrous network and make it easier for fatty tissue to be formed. The skin's surface becomes filled and well padded, showing the well-known "orange-peel" effect of cellulite. Cellulite may...

      Is Shrinking Violet Body Slimming Really Possible?

      Is Shrinking Violet Body Slimming Really Possible?

      Are you one of those people who hasn’t been able to reach their target weight or body shape? While trying to lose weight, many people tend to face certain problems which never let them attain complete weight loss. Many people complain of sagging skin after losing a considerable amount of weight. The skin loses its elasticity and appears lifeless. Though they lose weight, the body doesn’t get toned. The body shape appears all disfigured. For some people, weight loss restricts itself to certain body parts only. Despite following a strict diet and regular exercise regime, they just fail to reduce...

      Lunch-Hour Inch Loss!

      Lunch-Hour Inch Loss!

      Offer clients a confidence boost this summer with Shrinking Violet, a body wrap solution that can melt inches off the waistline in just one treatment...Whether it's getting into that bikini or squeezing into a bodycon dress, a few inches around the waistline can make all the difference to your confidence - so, why not offer clients the Shrinking Violet body wrap solution?With this innovative wrap, inches can vanish from the waistline in just one treatment - but don't take our word for it: not only has the treatment been clinically proven* to work but it's also brought to you by...

      Shrinking Violet Lipo Pro and The Benefits of Lymph Stimulation

      Shrinking Violet Lipo Pro and The Benefits of Lymph Stimulation

        Soft brushes glide gently over the skin. Breathing slows, tension slips away. Clients experiencing lymph stimulation as part of their Shrinking Violet Lipo Pro treatment describe a sensation of being transported to a place of deep relaxation and peace. Often overlooked, the lymphatic system plays a significant role in the body’s functioning, filtering impurities from the body, supporting the immune system, and maintaining the fluid balance in the tissues. Lymph fluid is formed in the tissues and flows toward the heart through a complex system of lymph capillaries, vessels and nodes, following largely the same path as the venous...



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