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      Faith Lift — Blog

      Celebrity Facialist and Beauty Product Inventor Tibby Olivier on Beauty Anti-Ageing

      Celebrity Facialist and Beauty Product Inventor Tibby Olivier on Beauty Anti-Ageing

      Celebrity Facialist and beauty product inventor Tibby Olivier on beauty anti-ageing and the product that changed her relationship with her eyes. Having just turned 50 this year yikes! My left eyelid has been a concern to me since my mid twenties, fretting that my left eyelid just doesn't fold as nicely as the right, looks lower, older, I wasted years fretting. Before I realised my main problem is asymmetry. ‘Having asymmetrical brows isn’t uncommon. It’s because we use one side of our face more than the other,’ I'd say. 'I've spent 50 years raising my right brow more than the...



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