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      Shrinking Violet — Press Releases

      Shrinking Violet & Occlusive Therapy - A Powerful Combination

      Shrinking Violet & Occlusive Therapy - A Powerful Combination

      Shrinking Violet Body Wrap’s phenomenal success can be attributed to the clever combination of the medical ingredient ‘phosphatidylcholine’ pre-blended into cellulite busting essential oils and its use of occlusive therapy. Occlusive therapy is a powerful healing tool in the hands of trained dermatologists, and plays an important role in treating several common skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema and chronic hand dermatitis. This understandably leads us to the popularity of Shrinking Violet Body Wraps - the clinically proven slimming solution’s active ingredient and the healing power of occlusive therapy, certainly packs a powerful results driven punch. Shrinking Violet can be...

      Anti-Cellulite Massage Routine using Shrinking Violet Treatment Oil

      Anti-Cellulite Massage Routine using Shrinking Violet Treatment Oil

      How to do an anti-cellulite massage Millions of women all over the world struggle with cellulite. Even women with a slim figure may experience the problem of “orange peel” skin. Learn how to do anti-cellulite massage which will firm your skin and help get rid of unnecessary fat reserves. What is cellulite? Cellulite, called also “orange peel”, is nothing else than the localised clusters of fat which accumulates in our body just under the skin. Cellulite occurs most often on the tummy, buttocks and thighs. You can combat it in several ways: physical exercise, proper diet, special treatments or anti-cellulite...

      Shrinking Violet Anti-Cellulite Massage

      Shrinking Violet Anti-Cellulite Massage

      The Best Natural Cellulite Treatment  Cellulite affects most women at some point of time in their lives regardless of their build, weight or health issues. While some women opt for result-driven machines that help reduce cellulite (cavitation), there are many who would first like to try reducing cellulite naturally. One of the best ways to do this naturally is through giving yourself regular Shrinking Violet Anti-Cellulite Massages with Shrinking Violet Treatment Oil. Shrinking Violet Treatment Oil helps to visibly reduce the appearance of cellulite and aid in inch loss if used regularly and massaged well. Here’s why: Cellulite appears because...

      Is Shrinking Violet Body Slimming Really Possible?

      Is Shrinking Violet Body Slimming Really Possible?

      Are you one of those people who hasn’t been able to reach their target weight or body shape? While trying to lose weight, many people tend to face certain problems which never let them attain complete weight loss. Many people complain of sagging skin after losing a considerable amount of weight. The skin loses its elasticity and appears lifeless. Though they lose weight, the body doesn’t get toned. The body shape appears all disfigured. For some people, weight loss restricts itself to certain body parts only. Despite following a strict diet and regular exercise regime, they just fail to reduce...



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