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      Press Releases

      New Year’s Resolutions

      New Year’s Resolutions

      Big Ben’s chimes to welcome in the New Year also started a raft of New Year’s Resolutions. You might have decided to lose weight, stop smoking or start a new hobby, but did you make any resolutions for Body Sculpting or Waist Snatching your body?Shrinking Violet Body Sculpting and Waist Snatching is the in-treatment for 2024. Shrinking Violet is a clinically proven inch-loss brand, you can trust in its results.With the Shrinking Violet Home Kit you can tailor the entire waist circumference, treating your buttocks, hips, abdomen, and lower back to provide a curvy figure without using scalpels and stitches,...

      Be A Christmas Cracker

      Be A Christmas Cracker

      Let Shrinking Violet Give You Some SparkleWith Christmas coming thoughts now turn to those festive parties and your outfit for the big day. Add Shrinking Violet to your Christmas list and you’ll have more dazzle than the tinsel!Shrinking Violet is an amazing inch-loss product that makes fitting into any dress a breeze. Having been a massive success in beauty salons across the world for some time, the Shrinking Violet technology is also available in a fantastic Home Use Kit.Thanks to the Shrinking Violet Home Use Kit you can enjoy all the festive feasts on offer this season without the guilt....

      Plant Beauty In The World

      Plant Beauty In The World

      Help our campaign to plant lavender everywhere and watch it bloom plus it’s bee friendly! Receive your FREE pack of lavender seeds with every bottle of Shrinking Violet.Its delicate blue flowers are a magnet for pollinators, such as bees, butterflies and birds ... Lavender. Ours is Lavandula angustifolia - one of the best plants to grow for attracting bees, butterflies and birds. The seeds are also eaten by birds in autumn and winter.Tag us with your growing seeds to win a t-shirt. #tibbybeauty #plantbeauty #beefriendly Plant beauty, bloom and bee friendly three important messages that reach so many levels, think...

      Pre Christmas Detox With Shrinking Violet Body Wrap

      Pre Christmas Detox With Shrinking Violet Body Wrap

      However much you love Christmas, it is often an energy-sapping marathon. A gentle detox now will help you feel and look as sparkling as the decorations.  Tibby Olivier, the detox experts at Shrinking Violet, the clinically proven body wrap that transforms celebrity bodies at The Sha Wellness Clinic, have devised a three-stage detox plan for you, which you can do easily at home. Toxins from food, drink, pollution and synthetic chemicals in cosmetics can unbalance our bodies and potentially cause disease. ‘A good detox lifts the toxic load and helps our liver, gut, lymph, circulation and perspiration systems work effectively...

      53% of Brits wish they were more confident in their natural skin

      53% of Brits wish they were more confident in their natural skin

      53% of Brits wish they were more confident in their natural skin, survey finds. A new study, has taken a closer look at Brits' thoughts and feelings on body confidence. Out of 2,000 UK adults, the data found that a fifth had seen their self-esteem take a nosedive after being looked down on by a stranger. As a result of low confidence, more than a quarter of women don't leave the house without applying some form of make-up, and a fifth wear make-up in a bid to appear more confident to others than they are. In addition, the study revealed...



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