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      Press Releases — Retail

      Pre Christmas Detox With Shrinking Violet Body Wrap

      Pre Christmas Detox With Shrinking Violet Body Wrap

      However much you love Christmas, it is often an energy-sapping marathon. A gentle detox now will help you feel and look as sparkling as the decorations.  Tibby Olivier, the detox experts at Shrinking Violet, the clinically proven body wrap that transforms celebrity bodies at The Sha Wellness Clinic, have devised a three-stage detox plan for you, which you can do easily at home. Toxins from food, drink, pollution and synthetic chemicals in cosmetics can unbalance our bodies and potentially cause disease. ‘A good detox lifts the toxic load and helps our liver, gut, lymph, circulation and perspiration systems work effectively...

      4 Interesting and Surprising Facts About Body Wraps

      4 Interesting and Surprising Facts About Body Wraps

      The health and beauty treatment known as a ‘body wrap’ has become very popular in recent years. While they’ve been around for quite some time, it wasn’t until the past few decades when their use has really begun to pick up steam. Today, millions of people from across the world perform body wraps for the numerous benefits offered. Shrinking inches, tightening, toning and firming to name just a few. Even if you are familiar with the basic process of natural body wrapping, there are probably some facts about the procedure that will surprise you. Here, we are going to reveal...

      Body Work - The New Focus For 2022

      Body Work - The New Focus For 2022

      While the skin care industry is a face-obsessed one, more people are turning to treatments south of the neck to influence their overall mind and skin quality. Body work is nothing new, but for skin care experts and patients alike, it feels urgent right now. We are seeing a return in one area of well-being that typically gets left out of the modern skin care conversation: body work. More and more, skin care seekers are looking to therapists whose therapeutic care are focused in hands on body-care and body work. Our bodies are interconnected—through our lymph, fascia, circulatory system, hormones,...

      Fighting and Understanding Cellulite

      Fighting and Understanding Cellulite

      NO ONE LIKES CELLULITE, AS WE HIT OUR THIRTIES, IT CREEPS ONTO OUR HIPS, THIGHS AND BOTTOM WITH THE FIRM INTENT OF STAYING THERE FOREVER. What is cellulite?Our body is so astute, it has cells especially created to store fat. Fat cells can inflate to sixty times their volume, so there's plenty of room to store more fat and if the fat cells fill up too much, they deform the skin's fibrous network and make it easier for fatty tissue to be formed. The skin's surface becomes filled and well padded, showing the well-known "orange-peel" effect of cellulite. Cellulite may...

      The Best Post Baby Waist Trainer To Shrink Inches

      The Best Post Baby Waist Trainer To Shrink Inches

      SWELLING AND PAIN ARE COMMON SYMPTOMS AFTER GIVING BIRTH. LUCKILY, POST BABY SHRINKING VIOLET WAIST TRAINERS CAN HELP EASE THE PRESSURE Everyone from Cardi B to the Kardashians have touted using a waist trainer to help snap back after having a baby, but post baby waist training isn’t a just a fad for celebrities. In fact, the practice of waist training after birth dates back centuries: Japanese mothers turn to a sarashi after birth. Malaysian culture refers to waist training as bengkung, Mexicans use a waist trainer known as the faja. But what exactly is post baby waist training? THE...



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