Body Work - The New Focus For 2022
While the skin care industry is a face-obsessed one, more people are turning to treatments south of the neck to influence their overall mind and skin quality. Body work is nothing new, but for skin care experts and patients alike, it feels urgent right now.
We are seeing a return in one area of well-being that typically gets left out of the modern skin care conversation: body work. More and more, skin care seekers are looking to therapists whose therapeutic care are focused in hands on body-care and body work.
Our bodies are interconnected—through our lymph, fascia, circulatory system, hormones, skeletal structure, our chi and life force. This we know is best treated as a whole. But our bodies for some reason in mainstream skin care, we simply ignore; instead, the face is treated like its entirely on its own, divorced from the rest of our body as complete working system.
Well, not all practitioners see it this way, Shrinking Violet inventor Tibby Olivier states treating the body with Shrinking Violet slimming solutions and combining with manual lymphatic drainage and fascia release techniques gives an amazing difference to the muscle tone and firmness as well as draining away puffiness to show muscle definition.
"We see this daily with our Shrinking Violet body work practices, as specialists in the fascia or lymph to aid inch loss and cellulite reduction."
Tibby explains how fascia is a deeply intertwined, abundant connective tissue in the body and is intricately woven around organs as well as wrapped around every individual muscular fibre .
"Think of it like a spiders web, interlinking and crossing in a snowflake shape; if you pull on one end, it changes the shape of the entire spiders web," she says. "Fascia connects the whole body, you cannot disconnect it."
We highly recommend our Shrinking Violet Spa Rituals.
Shrinking Violet Body Wrap
Shrinking Violet, the revolutionary clinically proven inch loss body wrap, a treatment so powerfully fat busting, that one 60 minute application can result in a reduction of up to one whole dress size. The top line result from the clinical trial is up to 2.5% fat reduction per application. Its active ingredients penetrate cells and fat busting formula acts as an ideal slimming solution.
Shrinking Violet Body Wrap is a painless, effortless process that successfully removes fat in problem areas, such as thighs, buttocks and abdomen, engineered to also work on cellulite, fluid retention, sluggish circulation and detoxification. The supreme in inch loss body wraps for shrinking those inches. Just what we need after months of over-indulging during lockdown and Christmas.
Shrinking Sheer Bliss
A 60 minutes of pure inch loss bliss, this spa ritual incorporates body brushing and full body exfoliation to refresh and stimulate, bespoke lymphatic mapping followed by a lymphatic drainage massage sequence tailored to your individual bodies needs using the clinically proven Shrinking Violet inch loss oil. This spa ritual will decongest your lymphatic system, whilst encompassing our fat busting formula to shrink those inches, an intensive anti-cellulite treatment encouraging the elimination of toxins and excess fluid, boosts circulation and aid in slimming. Highly effective inch loss. This treatment is ideal to mind and body reset after months of isolation.
Shrinking Extreme Booster
The ultimate extreme boost, this 90 minute treatment combines the powerful results of a Shrinking Violet Body Wrap with the blissful, relaxing, bespoke massage ritual of Shrinking Sheer Bliss with spectacular results, boosting your body confidence by reducing fat, detoxifying, improving cellulite and fluid retention. Shrinking those inches in a haze of lavender heavenly bliss, target all problem areas and also leaves the skin feeling firmer, smoother and more toned. Shrinking Extreme Booster unequalable in powerful fat reduction and body sculpting. Body sculpting those lockdown pyjamas days away.
Shrinking Violet Lipo Pro
Shrinking Violet Lipo Pro’s powerful solution duos with a lymphatic drainage massage combined with fascia release techniques and is a manual and natural technique to improve the bodies lymph system - often improving the lymph flow by as much as 20 times. Shrinking Violet Lipo massage, accentuates our slimming solutions effectiveness, combined with decongestive lymphatic therapy, bandaging, compression, taping and pressotherapy. A power punch to get your body back on the right track quickly after housebound stagnation and isolation.
Which one will you choose?
What you need to know about bodywork.
In our holistic practices, as experts in the skin, and more specifically the skin of the body, we use the body indicators as a way to see what's happening internally. Our skin can tell us a lot about ourselves. Puffy and swollen tissue can show us our lymph and circulation is stagnant.
In the case of massage and physical manipulation to treat lymph and fascia, treatments have become much more on trend, we see the demand for Shrinking Violet Spa rituals continue to grow worldwide year after year, alongside standard spa treatments. Shrinking Violet Spa Rituals have been available in the UK since 2012 and the worldwide demand continues to grow, we concentrate on updating and retraining our therapists with every new professional training technique possible for enhanced Body Work results, which benefits the practitioner and her patients.
Tibby Olivier’s Shrinking Violet’s treatments, works the lymphatic fluid through pressure and release to aid your body healing for maximum results.
Tibby also notes that she addresses lymphatic drainage in every single one of her body treatments (the extent of which varies from person to person).
Our countless practitioners around the country practice lymphatic techniques, if you just know where to look and ask for it. Shrinking Violet Body treatments are extremely popular worldwide. Enquire here.
But you can also do at-home work. That's what's so great about these spa rituals: There are ways to do it yourself, Spa at home. What's more is that most Shrinking Violet practitioners encourage you to practice regularly and at home, so the overall results are enhanced and flow, rather than being stagnant between sessions. In fact, Tibby recommends adopting a simple self-massage practice. The only requirement of spa at home is that it fits into your life with ease and you do it consistently.
Homecare products available here.
"I often find that people are pretty intuitive when it comes to working on their own face and bodies," she says. "For me, I just like to do it at night with a hot bath and SlimBathe duo, my favourite two step bath oil and body oil. It doesn't have to be 30 minutes or with tools. Most nights I only do it for ten minutes. But if you do it regularly, it can make the biggest difference."
How to massage yourself at home - read blog.
The beauty of bodywork & why we want it now.
After almost two years of forced isolation and stagnation, cries of grief and joy, and consciously felt trauma, body work speaks our most earnest and fundamental wants: to move and flow with ease, to be felt, to find balance, and to mend what hurts, to simply connect.
Body work is, well, work. A quick trip to the medi-spa this is not. "The body holds tension and trauma. We store issues in our tissues," says Tibby. "When we release stuff in the body, it can also affect us emotionally. For some people, it can be a very profound experience. It can be powerful for people in a great way, but it also can be something that's challenging to handle—a healing crisis."
Which is why we use the benefits of lavender essential oil and its healing powers in all our body oils. Lavender boasts an array of medical uses from stress relieving to promoting sleep and body wellness.
In the process of undoing physical and body tension, you may find that there is more inside you that needs to be freed.
We recommend SlimBathe bath oil as a way to aid the body and help you sleep this two step programme is amazing a whole body routine bath and self massage goes hand in hand with relax and sleep.
In the pursuit of body wellness through body work, you may find something far more worthwhile: previous trauma release.